The 27th of February to the 6th of March marks the annual FairTrade fortnight. The FairTrade group in Cowbridge Comprehensive School has collaborated with the Cowbridge Town Fair Trade group and have organised a series of events. Art club pupils from the school have collected FairTrade wrappers and have assembled a FairTrade footprint collage, which will be on display throughout the fortnight.
FairTrade Treasure Hunt
During the fortnight there's a FairTrade treasure hunt taking place in Cowbridge, designed by the pupils. There are twelve local shops taking part and thanks to their generosity a fabulous set of prizes, worth over £200, are up for grabs. Forms are available from the school reception and the Living CafĂ©. Using the clues participants must guess what FairTrade item is being sold in each shop. All entries with a complete set of correct answers will be entered into the prize draw for a chance to win prizes donated by the shops that are involved.
A presentation will take place at 2:30 pm on Saturday March 9th. The Mayor and Headteacher Mrs. D. Thomas will be attending and will give out prizes to the six winners. Good luck, Pob lwc, to all and have fun taking a step in FairTrade fortnight.